Posted by : Unknown Thursday, October 24, 2013

6 Tested Ways To Increase Google Adsense CPC

In this article you will come to know about the 6 Tested Ways To Increase Google Adsense CPC.
Blogging is one of the most developing sector in India. Indian youth spending there free time in blogging and this is really nice way to utilize that free time and gain some knowledge that what is going in the world.
Google is world’s top most Multi National Company. Google has created a well developed structure on internet for people. For the bloggers Google is a first choice to monetize there own websites and blogs. All bloggers around the globe know Google Adsense services. The Google Adsense basically is a program by which Bloggers can earn some decent amount of  money. There are many other monetizing programs available on Internet but most trust-able and wanted monetizing program is  Google Adsense.
So, now come to the point and the point is, today i will explain 6 tested ways to increase Google Adsense CPC.

Following are the 6 Tested Ways To Increase Google Adsense CPC:

WARNING! The Google is very smart and intelligent , don’t try to fool it by using tricks and other non-relevant methods. Below given methods are highly secure and you can apply them on your blog or website to increase your CPC (Cost Per Click).

1. Content:

The first thing i want to tell you that, the content of your blog is future of your blog. If content is not well written or not copyrighted than why should Google give you money. The well written articles can make possible to monetize your blog properly. Most of the new bloggers just copy or re-write the content from other websites and blogs but bloggers I want to tell you a term that is applied every where in the business sectors around the world. The term is that “nobody gives you money if you are not doing proper and valuable work for that company or organization. So, if you want to earn money from Google you must keep in mind following points:
  • Content should be well written
  • Copyrighted
  • Content should obey Google Terms & Polices.
  • No Adult content
  • check grammar and spellings

2. Ad Sizes:

Google Adsense has no. of different sizes of Ads to monetize your website but there are three most targeted Ad sizes in Google Adsense, which can give you the higher CPC. Following are the three sizes:
  • 728 x 90 Leader board
  • 300 x 250 Medium Rectangle
  • 160 x 600 Skyscraper

3. Ad Placement:

The Ad placement matters the most to get Higher CPC. On a blog, we can only place 3 Banner ads and 3 link ads. Always place ads where user can easily see it for example in header or near navigation bar but keep in mind that you have to place Ads without disturbing  website navigation and structure.

4. Country:

Yes, it is true that if someone from developed countries like (U.S.A, U.K, Canda etc.) click on your Ads than you get CPC around $0.55 to $5 and If someone click from developing countries like (India,Pakistan etc.) than the CPC will be low. Always try to write content which is international (if your blog is .com level).

5. Text and Image Format:

Always choose  text/image rich media Ads because by doing this your visitors can see more relevant ads related to your content and there are higher chances that visitors to click on your Ads.

6. Pagerank:

The Pagerank of website indicates that how much quality content is present on that website or blog. If the blog or website has 2 or 3 or zero page rank, the CPC will automatically decreases. but always try to write articles or posts on Technology, Smartphones, Gadgets etc. some how these technology based articles help you to increase CPC.
So, above are the 6 tested ways to increase Google Adsense CPC. The Terms & Polices of Google are keep on changing with time, so be updated with Google Adsense blog.

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